The Gift Within (PART 1)
A gift exists inside each and every one of us but many of us ignore the gift that we are given. Why is that?
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A gift exists inside each and every one of us but many of us ignore the gift that we are given. Why is that?
Being wrong is part of the process to becoming better at anything; provided you learn from your mistakes along the way.
The stillness of the moment demands you to comfort your thoughts and emotions before you make a move that will impact your life or the lives of others.
We can give unlimited excuses to explain why we gave up on something, but an honest reason is what really matters. It doesn’t matter if you step away for longer than expected, you “fall off” for whatever reason, or you’re challenged with focusing or staying committed to something that truly matters to you; what you tell yourself matters more than you know.
Children should be encouraged to look into what interests them, develop their individuality and learn skills to further enhance their future. We as adults have a duty to ensure they get where they need to go.
Mind power or the will to do something is the strongest and most powerful function that we possess.
Don’t look at your past with regret and don’t vision your future through lenses of worry; instead, view life with a sense of worry.
The condition of our future depends entirely on what we do with our now. We are the challenge but in order to show we’re champions we must work on ourselves daily. We only fail when we stop trying.
How many times have you uttered the words, “I can’t wait for this to be over”? Probably so many times that you’ve lost count, right? Most of us have said it more during the pandemic than any other time in our life, combined, but needless to say it’s something that we say unconsciously without recognizing […]