
The Gift Within (PART 1)

There’s a gift that exists inside each and every one of us but many of us ignore the gift that we are given.   Why is that?

Most people are selective of what they are held accountable for or responsible for and, unfortunately, if the expectations are too high a certain fear can set in.  Like a fear or failure some people suffer from a fear of success.  We must manage the gift that we are given with total care for good reason.  If you don’t give it care or use it properly then you stand a chance of losing it or missing out on an opportunity.  Neglecting things that matter has serious consequences — it dies, goes to waste or, as I stated, you lose it.

To whom much is given, much is required.  That stands true for everything in your life; be it your talents, your aspirations, your relationships, the direction your children go in or whatever it is that means something to you.  Now I can undoubtedly assure you that if that seed is not watered and nurtured then no “fruit” of true fulfilment can be produced and as a result your life is full of GMO’s.  

I’m not referring to the Genetically Modified Organisms used to alter our foods; I’m talking about Genetically Modified Opinions.  These are the unhealthy opinions that you come to believe about yourself.  Sometimes these beliefs we have are at the behests of someone near and dear to us.

I want to remind you that one of the key’s to having a great quality of life is your perception of life.  Your life and what you have, or may not have, is yours!  Comparison is the thief of joy.  How are you managing your gifts or the resources that you have access to right now?  Are you disciplined and do what you’re supposed to do to make changes for the better or do you take things for granted and insert yourself into situations that aren’t right for you?  

Think about it for a minute — when you take care of what you have, have you noticed that you tend to have it longer or you get more of it?  That thing just seems to flow into your life effortlessly.  Take it as life expanding your capacity to do or be more of what the world needs!  

Now on the other hand, if you’re blatantly negligent or not humble in what you have there may be a shift in how things go if you don’t get things in order.  The good things can easily be removed.  Assets can be safeguarded from you to protect you from harm or dangerous situations.  Never feel guilty or dumb yourself down because you’re afraid to leave your comfort zone.  We are all seeds that have been planted and from time to time we have to be repotted.  You’ll survive wherever you go in life.  

"Your gift will make room for you and put you in the presence of great men."
Proverbs 18:16

Don’t just nurture the skills to do your job if you know you have a gift outside of that.  When someone gives you a gift you use it don’t you?  Why not do the same with the one that you were created with?  Take the time to nurture your gift then share it with the world! 

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