close up shot of a man in the water

Be Still for a Minute

Knowing what to do next is not always an easy thing to do.  When you’re not clear on your direction, try quieting the outside noise and unsolicited opinions of those around you so that you can hear and structure your inner thoughts.  When you’re in a serene place; be it mental, physical or both, you have better control of your actions.  Your stillness allows you to fortify your affiliation with what’s important — the things that really matter to you.

Be still and tune in to yourself for a minute.  When you get a sense of peace in your heart, your gut, and your thoughts you should pay attention!  There you’ll find your answer.  We’ve all had that strong, still voice from within talk to us but how often do we really listen?  We’ve all been in situations where we should have paid attention to our emotions but ignored what we felt instead, right?  How about that uneasiness that you felt in your stomach that you passed off as fear?  

We often ignore our conscience because as humans we can become impatient at times or fearful at others but how many times have we done that and wished we would have just been still?  I can’t be the only one that allowed fear to cause me to make a decision because I was hasty.  To learn and move on is the best way to recover.  Pay close attention, with humility, and the answers you seek questions to will be revealed in due time.  Listen and discern.  Listen and become a master.

To have discernment and in order to become a master of something you must learn to be still for a minute.  For example, a person who loses their cool is not a master of their emotions and they make bad choices all because they chose not to be still for a minute.  When you have peace in the moment, you have a better chance of making sound decisions.   

The stillness of the moment demands you to confront your thoughts and emotions before you make a move that will negatively impact your life or the lives of others.  It promotes you to live your truth of who you are as a person and what you care about as a contributor to the world you live in.  As unnerving as it can get, the act of being still actually makes you stronger, wiser, and a better person in the long run.  It enhances what you feel your purpose is and makes you more resilient to the challenges you encounter.

When you spend time in quietness you allow your attention and intention to communicate effectively so that you can navigate life better.  It is not only healthy for you mentally, but it is recommended that you be still for a minute.  The next time you’re unsure about what to do or you feel you’re about to “lose it” stop and think before you act.  You’ll be glad you did. 

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