You Get What You Give
The results of what we get in life are in direct relation to what we give so if you give a poor performance or if what you have right now is not what you want then only you can do something to change it. What is it that you want from this thing from life? That really shouldn’t be a tough decision. The problem most of us have is letting go of what we think is a good time. We don’t always see the value in trading unproductive time for something more meaningful. In truth, we all need to break away from time to time but that doesn’t mean to forget the plan that you’ve laid out.
Now because we do get off course from time to time, we must find our way back on track. What’s the best thing to do? Step back and take an assessment of what you’re doing that took you away from your mission in the first place. Keep in mind that a dead battery will never charge a dead battery. Who or what is taking you off course? You have to make some changes. Trust your instincts — in order to see a change we must make a change, right?
A huge mistake that we make is that we reach a certain age and we stop seeking knowledge and information. We think that we have it all figured out and then reality hits and the next thing you know we’ve gotten lost and left behind in life. It doesn’t have to be this way if you decided to put a little more effort into reaching your goals — invest in yourself more and pour some knowledge into the younger generation. How can you increase your skillset in whatever it is that you’re good at. Whatever it is that you’re good at, turn it up a notch. You’ll be glad you did later.
Think of the quality of life and the sense of fulfilment that you you’d be exposed to and the many opportunities that would become available if you really focused and put some quality time into what really mattered to you! Believe it or not, everything that we are is governed by our priorities, our moral codes and the intensity to how we go after what want.
Look at it this way; you cannot drift to the mountaintop of success. You have to climb and that takes determination. So, climb. It’s cool to climb the mountain of success with someone but many times you’ll have to do it alone. Along your journey you’ll gain strength and wisdom — something that you can pass along to help someone else on their journey.