crop faceless woman showing small gift box on palms

The Gift Within (PART 2)

The gifts that we have within start off as seeds and like any other seed it bears fruit over time, but that seed must be watered and tended to.  That’s a clear indication that we must be fruitful and multiply.  Not in the traditional sense of bearing multiple children; it simply means that we should continue to produce and share whatever our gifts are.  That’s what makes the world go ’round.

Imagine what would happen if people would stop being productive.  That may be a stretch but to be a bit more realistic take a moment to remind yourself of how the production of things that we need every day slowed down or stopped during the pandemic; now remember how some people panicked because they thought the world was about to end but at the same time others found talents they didn’t know they had — some even started businesses because they saw opportunities to help and offer hope instead of time to chill and scam the system.  I always say if a person can run a business of crime, then they can build a business legally.

So many people neglect their gift or talent, and it shows in their life.  That’s their choice, of course, but for those who know they have something of value to offer but hold back, it begs the question: what’s stopping you?  Certainly, you shouldn’t just sit on it and keep it to yourself.  How does that help?  The purpose is to give it away.  Think of all the great things that we have in our lives right now.

The objective is to push humanity forward.  We are living in the best times, historically.  We can’t make anything great again, but we can be greater and as long as there are people recognizing and using their gifts, with good intentions, then things will get better.  That’s universal law!

Don’t worry about trying to be perfect because we all have exactly what we need to make it — there’s just levels to it but the resources, the people whatever you need is out there; you just haven’t ran into that resource or person yet.

"Hold on to your dreams of a better life and staying committed to striving to realize it."
Earl G. Graves, Sr.
Entrepreneur and Founder of Black Enterprise Magazine

What is your specialty?  What do you do extremely well with the least amount of effort?  Why should anyone call on you?  We all know that we have to make something work to survive but there’s a huge part of the population that aren’t doing their “work” at all.  They’re simply doing a job, and they’re not satisfied at all.  It’s just a mundane cycle for them.  If that does not sound like you, that’s absolutely great; be sure to inspire someone!  But if that does sound like you then you need to do your inner work.  Don’t allow life to pass you by because you feel like you don’t know how to make your gift work for you.

When you started your job, you didn’t know all of the policies and procedures, but you learned, right?  You showed up excited and left feeling defeated but you still showed up the next day, right?  You gave yourself grace and patience during those times so why not now?  Just apply the same principles to your own life and see what happens.  There’s a world of people out there waiting for the gift that you have to give.  Every day is a gift.  What do you have to give?

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