
In it for the Long Haul

There’s a certain amount of time that separates you from the life that you visualize for yourself and the one you’re currently living but time is not the only thing that stands between you and your desires.  The other barrier is effort.  Effort is the mother of opportunity.  While waiting for an opportunity to present itself, you must use your time wisely by preparing yourself during that season.  Your time is coming but what skills can you improve in the meantime so that you’re ready when opportunity knocks?  What better way to pass the time other than to make good use of it?  Are you in it for the long haul?

Instant gratification has become the norm in today’s fast-paced society, and it tends to lend a false sense of hope for many people because if the desired results aren’t achieved by their projected date, then they will give up or declare it a failure.  Greatness can’t be rushed and truthfully, we all have greatness in us.  Many times, we don’t see it in ourselves, and we often ignore it when we hear it from others.  So, let me ask you this, if you’re complimented on something that you do well by people whom all don’t know each other, could it be true?  What do they see that you don’t recognize in yourself?

Find your niche and plot your course of action.  The time is going to pass anyway and even the things that you love doing may require things of you that you don’t necessarily enjoy, right?  The best way to pass any time is to never complain about the time — just keep busy and find enjoyment in what you’re doing, and the journey will be much smoother.  If you’re in it for the long haul, then aim to do as much as you can as often as you can but don’t burn yourself out in the process.  Know your limits in all you do.

It takes time to build something of significance — after all, The Pyramids of Giza weren’t built in a day!  Go the distance and don’t be afraid to go the extra mile every now and then and before you ever think about giving up take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come — that alone should give you the nudge to not give up.  Be specific in what you want but more importantly be consistent in your actions.  It may take a while, but you already have what it takes to get you where you want to be.  If you’re doing it because you love it, then you’re definitely in it for the long haul.

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