elegant office worker wearing a suit sitting and looking at his watch

Hold On, It Get’s Better!

How many times have you uttered the words, “I can’t wait for this to be over”?  Probably so many times that you’ve lost count, right?  Most of us have said it more during the pandemic than any other time in our life, combined, but needless to say it’s something that we say unconsciously without recognizing the power behind that phrase.  

“I can’t wait for the weekend to get here!” or “I can’t wait until my birthday”!  What about “I can’t wait for this pregnancy to be over!”?  Well if you think about it, those small words have a big impact on your life because you’re wishing to speed your life up and to increase the speed of something ultimately brings it.  I know there are situations that may seem difficult, boring or even terrifying but have you also thought there may be a lesson to be learned in there somewhere?

The Stoic Roman Philosopher, Lucius Seneca said, “It is not that we have little time but that we lose so much.  The life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use the time that we have wastefully.”  Think about that for a moment.  Some people waste their time by complaining and holding grudges when in reality complaining never works and the person that they’re holding the grudge against has moved on with their life.  It is what it is but that doesn’t mean that’s what it have to be.  

In the beginning of this post I mentioned we unconsciously give power to our words, right?  So, that means that we can choose words that have a better impact on our lives.  Begin speaking in ways that promote growth, healing and asking for restoration of what needs to be restored (relationships, business, etc.) but be okay with walking away from anything to protect your peace, if there’s no resolution to the situation.  Either way, it get’s better.  You just have to hold on and be patient.

There are times when we you have to accept the fact that certain things and situations will never be the same and that’s because by nature we grow and evolve.  Consider it as the Universe’s way of shifting things in your favor and putting you on a new path to a better you.  Take it all in, find the lesson and use your experiences to help someone along the way.  Hold on, it get’s better.

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