
Driven by Ambition

Don’t let the idea that you have “arrived” to cause you to become content or complacent because you can lose your drive. In fact, once you reach your goal you can’t go and kick your feet up and think that you don’t have to put in the work needed to maintain what you worked for. The previous mission may have been completed or the task may have gotten easier but we must continue to produce something of value to improve what we’re working towards, right? I think everything must evolve or at least things should evolve to become a better version of itself.

From time to time you may run into what you think is a drought or it may seem as if you hit the “glass ceiling”, but if that happens, what do you do? The short answer is to keep moving! Succumbing to what you see at the moment and allowing that vision to keep you from taking the next step are only faith builders. You may not know “how” but that’s not your concern.

If you think about it, if we were to let go of your own understanding of things and trusted our Creator then we could soar to new heights. I mean, who can operate something better than the manufacturer of the product? The Maker knows exactly what they made and why. Instead of wondering “how” we should ask for discernment and direction toward what we want before putting in the work.

Momentum is energy in motion and that changes things, of course, but aren’t things easier when we have clear instructions? Have you ever went to an unfamiliar place and lost your GPS signal? How did you react when you lost the signal versus getting it back? Most people would go from panicking to a sigh of relief as it happened. Well, the same holds true for you and your life.

It’s important to always be ready to embrace whatever changes that come our way and understand that all things work in our favor — it’s all about perception. Always remember there’s a lesson in everything that we go through. Sometimes the lesson is hidden so ask for clarity and you’ll get an answer but you must pay attention. Just don’t give up or give in; let your ambition get you there.

Set your sights on your target and do your part. As your navigate you’ll find like-minded, ambitious people that have goals too. Their goals may not necessarily be the same goals as yours but your mission can be compatible and that can spark something great in itself. The more people to reach their idea of success when working together the better the overall outcome will be. Humans are like snowflakes; we’re delicate and fragile on our own but together we can make a huge impact on the world around us!

When you have a good thing going, the best thing to do to keep prospering is to keep doing what you were doing.

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