man with fireworks

Choose Appreciation

I’ve never been much of a complainer but from time to time I find myself surrounded in the habitual imbalance of my counterparts.  This is all part of life but how we deal with it is a deciding factor in what manifests in our lives.  Keep in mind that there are two sides to everything — meaning there’s good and bad, positive and negative or those who see the glass as being half-full versus half-empty.  You get the point.

In life, simply choose appreciation.  Show appreciation for what you already have and appreciate the things that you haven’t received but are wanting or expecting.  Believe it or not, this can expand your capacity to receive more from life.  That’s the great thing about gratitude; you don’t have to wait to express it. 

You don’t have to wait until pay day because it cost nothing to be grateful.  You don’t have to wait until a certain time of day when you can do it when you wake up and throughout the course of your day.  In fact, the earlier the better.  There’s absolutely no limit to what you can show appreciation for if you’re in tune with existence and the abundant resources that surrounds us.  Who or what do you appreciate?

Let them know and take care of the things that you already have — it’s not that difficult.  Think about how it can change the course of their day or make it brighter.  It’s been proven that this gesture can spark a chain reaction because when we feel good we tend to share that energy with those that we encounter and that has the potential to keep spreading.

Whatever you have going on in your life, you always have something to show gratitude for.  Instead of condemnation, choose appreciation and good things will begin to flow in your direction.  Surely something good can come from an unfavorable situation if your emotions are in check, right?  Remember, having gratitude is a choice that we make and it produces positive benefits in our world when we express it.  Today, I want you to choose gratitude just before you complain about something and notice the difference in everything around you.


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