Blog Posts
Clutter, in any form, is a sign of stress or one of the causes of it. If we allow it, it can sidetrack us from the journey ahead...
Pain is not considered a weakness when you're confronting adversity. It's only a weakness when you succumb to the pressure that brought on that pain. When the pain is gone, strength prevails!...
If where you are right now is not where you desire to be then now is the time to download a new application to improve your situation...
We live in a world that is constantly moving forward. Let what you do be done out of love and admiration. That will, in turn, lead to a joyous life instead of one that leaves you drained and looking forward to the end of the day...
You can't just sit on the sidelines and watch the game to see who wins or loses because you'll lose, in the end, if you're not active, yourself...
Everything that we see, have, or use is the result of someone's gift. Some are individual works and others are the by-product of collaborative efforts from a group or 2 or more people...
So many people neglect their gift or talent, and it shows in their life. That's their choice, of course, but for those who know they have something of value to offer but hold back, it begs the question: what's stopping you?...
A gift exists inside each and every one of us but many of us ignore the gift that we are given. Why is that?...
Being wrong is part of the process to becoming better at anything; provided you learn from your mistakes along the way...
Tough times don't last but tough people do...
The stillness of the moment demands you to comfort your thoughts and emotions before you make a move that will impact your life or the lives of others...
We can give unlimited excuses to explain why we gave up on something, but an honest reason is what really matters. It doesn't matter if you step away for longer than expected, you "fall off" for whatever reason, or you're challenged with focusing or staying committed to something that...
Children should be encouraged to look into what interests them, develop their individuality and learn skills to further enhance their future. We as adults have a duty to ensure they get where they need to go...
Mind power or the will to do something is the strongest and most powerful function that we possess...
Don't look at your past with regret and don't vision your future through lenses of worry; instead, view life with a sense of worry...
The condition of our future depends entirely on what we do with our now. We are the challenge but in order to show we're champions we must work on ourselves daily. We only fail when we stop trying...
How many times have you uttered the words, “I can’t wait for this to be over”? Probably so many times that you’ve lost count, right? Most of us have said it more during the pandemic than any other time in our life, combined, but needless to say it’s something that...
When you have a good thing going, the best thing to do to keep prospering is to keep doing what you were doing...
Whatever you have going on in your life, you always have something to show gratitude for. Instead of condemnation, choose appreciation and good things will begin to flow in your direction...
Allow the allure of what you love doing to spark what you do and a measure of success is sure to follow...
Here’s something to think about; in order to get something new, we must first quit old habits. Now I want you to think about that new thing that you want in your life and then think about your habits. Are they in sync with one another? If not, don’t be...
Greetings to my subscribers and loyal readers, I hope this message finds you well. It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. I want to take a moment to tell you what’s been going on in my absence; I’ve been writing my next book and also working but not just working...
This writing encourages taking immediate action despite difficulties or lack of resources. It highlights the importance of determination, accountability, and persistence. Procrastination and external criticism should not hinder progress. By maintaining focus and seeking productive environments, success will follow naturally over time. Ultimately, starting is the key to achieving desired...