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Inspirational Motivational

Appetite for Success

All of the gadgets and technology that we use today were brought to us by a need to push the needle of humanity and society, on a global scale, forward. Think of anything that serves our needs today and you’ll notice that the person, group or manufacturer had an appetite for success during the planning and production stages. Some may consider it to be self-centered to have an appetite for success; but is it really? Would you agree that it all depends on the end goal for the person?

Whatever it may be, society ultimately benefitted greatly from the steady appetite for success as we have evolved. If there is no ambition on the individual’s part, then life would be pretty dismal and gloomy. Being completely motivated is connected to the drive that keeps you alive — that burning desire, in essence, pulls you into the future gives you something to look forward to and as a result you don’t see or accept lack, limitation or the word “no” for an answer.

We’re all on borrowed time — you have a lot to do but an unknown amount of time to get it done. This is not an indication to live recklessly; it’s more an invitation to find something that you love doing and pour as much time into it as possible. Of course; it would be a great idea to celebrate your accomplishments along the way, right? The joy of life is in the journey itself. The fulfillment is in personal growth and reaching new career heights but we must be willing to learn and sometimes the lessons can be quite challenging. Whatever comes to you, whatever leaves you; just keep going. Success is right around the corner.

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