reflection of smiling woman in mirror

What Do You Tell Yourself?

When you tell yourself something enough times you begin to believe it and it eventually becomes your truth.  Ultimately that truth becomes your reality.  But is it honest and do you like it?  That two-part question makes all the difference!  

I’m not saying tear yourself down because we all know there are some people in the world that will do it freely and without hesitation.  Besides that, we can also be our very own worst critic.  Afterall, we are HUMAN.

Do you allow your words to build you up?  Do you act on the things that you tell yourself?  We can, at times, tell ourselves the wrong things and unintentionally believe it because of what we see around us.   If you repeatedly tell yourself that you can’t do something or you’re not “good enough” then what do you expect to happen?  

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right either way."
Henry Ford
Founder of the Ford Motor Company

Be real for a second, wouldn’t it be better to convince yourself that you could do something as opposed to not being able to do it?  Aside from our Creator, we’re the deciding factor for what happens in our lives.  Your life is a direct result of what you tell yourself and how you act on those thoughts so if you don’t like what you’re living then it’s your job to start telling yourself something different then doing things differently, respectfully!   

You owe it to yourself, whether you know it or not.  In fact, the energy that you put out can be quite contagious.  When you talk good to yourself and pay people with sincere compliments or constructive criticism life will be good to you in return.  Key word here is sincere.

You have free will; you can choose between being creative or being unimaginative.  You can choose between showing love or causing destruction.  You can choose to be a part of the solution, or you can contribute to society’s problems.   

If our choices are boundless then wouldn’t that make what we tell ourselves limitless as well?  Be conscious of what you tell yourself and most importantly be honest with yourself because you have to live with yourself.  

We can give unlimited excuses to explain why we gave up on something, but an honest reason is what really matters.  It doesn’t matter if you step away for longer than expected, you “fall off” for whatever reason, or you’re challenged with focusing on or staying committed to something that truly matters to you; what you tell yourself matters more than you know.

2 thoughts on “What Do You Tell Yourself?

  1. Toni

    I needed to hear this!

    1. Q

      thanks for reading!

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