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Thought Potential

By mixing our imagination with consistent work we can produce success from failure, happiness from sadness and we can see obstacles as opportunities for improvement.  It all depends on your attitude.  The world in which we live definitely has an influence on our thoughts but the final decisions that we make are solely ours.  Believe it or not, where you are right now is the sum of your thoughts and actions.  So in essence, we are what we think and our thoughts make our reality.  People from that past and present have uncovered this universal truth!  What are you thinking for your future and how are you acting on those thoughts?

Here’s something to think about; if we were to change our thought process from negative to positive then none of the worlds problems would go unsolved because we’d live in a constant state of consciousness, resulting in life being more congenial.  Have you ever stopped and thought for a minute how your very own thoughts can either build or destroy the space around you?  Now, if you feel cornered in your thinking then you have to rid yourself of the limited belief system that you’ve grown accustomed to having.

By keeping your attention on your intentions your life can be better managed with fewer complications.  Take a moment to examine, in detail, the end result of changing your thought process to becoming more aware of your day-to-day habits.  What are your true expectations for your life?  Think deeply about it and work from there.  Things will begin to unfold favorably when you’re mindful of your thoughts.  Your thoughts are the potential energy to the life you that you want to live but it’s also the life that you live now.

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